James (Jimmy) Bell Killin



James (Jimmy) Bell Killin

Son of James and Catherine (Pryde) Killin. Husband of Sadie, of Toronto, Ontario

Born in Scotland in 1900. Died March 8th, 1966. Age 65 years.

Jimmy was the youngest and grew up with three sisters and three brothers; Jessie, Catherine, Mary, William, Archie & John.

Jimmy missed his chance to serve in WW1, per the attached article, as his Mother would not sign off on the necessary papers after learning of the loss of two of Jimmy’s brothers (John & William), the wounding of his third brother (Archie) and the loss of one of his brothers-in-law (Jessie’s husband David Neill) in the War for Civilization 1914-1918.

Jimmy stood up for his brother Archie when Jean and Archie got married in 1918. The attached photo shows “young Jimmy” with his brother Archie, sister Catherine and “double” sister-in-law Jean.

James married Sadie and both James and Sadie are buried in the family plot.




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