Donald Gordon Archbald Killin



Donald Gordon Archibald Killin

Son of William M. A. Killin & Ruth E. (Clancy) Killin
Born Toronto on July 6th, 1946 and died (Ottawa) on March 22nd, 2005 at age 58 years.

Don was the third of ten children and the first of seven boys.

In high school Don met his first wife (Susan Collins).
Susan and Don lived in Oshawa for a number of years, in a house that some years after they moved Don’s younger brother John and his wife Patricia would purchase not remembering that they visiting Sue and Don at this house until well after moving in.

Susan and Don moved to Munster Hamlet (Ottawa region) and had three children before Susan was diagnosed with a quick moving cancer that took her from us within a few weeks of the birth of their third child (1978).

With three children and a full time demanding job, Don reached out to a loving network of neighbours to help him secure the services of live in nannies to help with; Pamela, Steven and Scott. At very tough time for Don and the kids.

A few years later, Don was fortunate to have met his second wife (Shareen Marland) through his children’s school. As Pamela’s teacher Shareen learned of Don and his family challenges and upon meeting him the two of them found a way to spend some time together, realized that they shared a number of interests and after a period of time dating were married and had a son together. Shortly after the birth of Jonathan, Don took up piping and became a member of at least two Ottawa pipe bands. Don was quite thrilled when his son Jonathan decided that he too would like to take up the pipes. Don met a number of terrific friends through his affiliation with pipe bands.

As Don and Shareen were starting to plan their retirement and future, Don was diagnosed with ALS and within two years he was taken from his family in March 2005 at the age of 58th year.




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