Start Here!

First of all, thank you for being a part of building this community. Please follow this step by step process to get started!

Step 1:
Set up your profile.

★ Click the "Let's Go" Button below to set up your profile page.
★ Once there, upload a profile photo and complete your profile details.
★ Take the community for a spin. Write a post introducing yourself, add some friends,
and so on. Have fun with it!.
★ You can return to your profile at anytime by clicking the fingerprint icon in the top right hand corner.

Step 2:
Visit the Virtual Memorial.

★ Browse through the collection of our ancestors.
★ Check out the individual profiles for each member.
★ Use the forms at the bottom of the page to let us know if we've missed anyone, if you have something to add, or a story to share.

Step 3:
Let us Know what you think.

★ Visit the Family Plot page and read about the history of the plot
★ Use the community to share your experience using the website, and to
share any stories you think people would like to hear.
Let's Go!

Our Mission

LEST WE FORGET.  Family members may be gone but they are not forgotten. To provide for ongoing private family access to a repository of the history of those who came before us while paying them the respect they deserve. To share inspirational, humorous and heartfelt stories of some of the experiences of those that came before us. To allow for a virtual and perpetual family plot/stone that will link our family, allowing virtual visits and reminders without the limits of the physical family plot & stone. To facilitate family communications that may lead to renewal, introduction and reinforced family connections.

Featured Members


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Community Building

We're working on building this community to not only tell the stories of the Killin's who came before us, but also to help the Killin's of today tell theirs. Turns out many of us inherited the entrepreneurial gene, and we'll try to make easy to support our family however we can.


Ken, son of Linda, runs a branding and design company that helps startups and independent businesses find brand clarity and build their visual identity. If your company is looking to grow, scale, or pivot, he's someone you'll want to chat with. You can learn more about him here:

Ethos Design


Marcela Killin is the founder of Complexly Simple, a company that helps start-ups, social enterprises and non-profit organizations turn big ideas into simple solutions. Her focus is on process mapping and development, project management and strategic planning. You can learn more about her here:

complexly simple


Adam Killin brings passion and inspiration to life through Killin Tunes. From performing at live ceremonies and music lessons to customized birthday albums, Adam can help you with all your musical needs in a variety of styles and instruments. You can hear his work at:

Killin Tunes